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Make the Most of Traveling Alone with These Solo Travel Tips

Traveling alone can be a liberating and exhilarating experience. It's important, though, to make sure you are using these solo travel tips to make the most out of your trip and stay safe.

  1. Start conversation with a stranger. One of the best parts of traveling is meeting new people that live differently than you. Don’t be afraid to make a new friend, say hi to a stranger or ask a local for their recommendations. You may make a lifelong friend, or you may just get a great story out of it.
  2. Don’t tell people you’re alone. When you first meet someone, it’s important to never let them know you are alone. A white lie is OK in this circumstance since it keeps you safe. When first getting to know someone, let them know you have company or you’re meeting up with someone shortly.
  3. Self-defense is important. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings, especially in an unfamiliar place. Having some form of self-defense on you is a great way to keep yourself safe. Whether it’s pepper spray, a whistle or something else, make sure you have some first line of defense. If you don’t want to carry anything extra, it’s a good idea to take a self-defense course before you travel alone so you know how to defend yourself in a dangerous situation.
  4. Bring a portable tripod. When traveling alone, you are your own photographer. Bring a portable tripod with you so you don’t miss out on perfect photo opportunities! Document this journey and be your own Instagram boyfriend/girlfriend!
  5. Use technology to your advantage. There is plenty of technology at your disposal, whether you’re traveling alone or in a group. You can make friends with people in your area on Bumble BFF, find Facebook groups for those in the area or find local recommendations for things to do.
  6. Let your friends know where you are. Make sure someone back home knows where you will be at all times. Let them know flight information, hotel reservations, activities planned, etc. It also might be a good idea to share your location with them so they can know where you are if they need to know.
  7. Don’t be afraid to be alone. If you’re traveling alone, it may seem self-explanatory, but don’t be afraid to do things alone. This should feel freeing because you’re not waiting on anyone or anything. If you want to try that restaurant, go for it. If you want to go on an excursion, try it! The world is your oyster!
  8. Keep a portable charger on you. Being on your phone all day trying to take photos, stay in touch, make new friends and use GPS can drain your battery quickly. It’s important to remember that your phone is, most importantly, a safety device used to contact help in emergencies. Make sure you charge your phone at night and bring a portable charger with you on the go.

Solo travel can be a new experience, but it’s bound to be a memorable adventure! Just stay alert, try new things and enjoy the moments as they come. For travel tips and more, stay tuned to our blog as we upload new content regularly.

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