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Get Ready to Vote and STAY Counted

With only a few days until Election Day, make sure you’re ready to go to the polls.

Election Day is right around the corner, on Tuesday, November 5. Extended Stay America believes voting is a right for every American citizen and that all voices deserve to be heard and counted. Start today by making a plan to vote and STAY Counted. Read some of our tips to prepare for Election Day below!

  1. Make sure you have proper forms of identification. Each state has different requirements for identification, but here are a few safe options to bring:
    • Photo ID like a driver’s license or Passport with the same name and address used on your voter registration
    • Current utility bill with your name and address
    • Bank statement or paycheck
    • Government check or government-issues document that shows your name and address
  1. Map out directions to your polling place. When you registered to vote, your voter registration confirmation should have told you your polling place. Make sure you know where it is and how to get there, also keeping in mind what traffic may be like on Election Day.
  2. Plan what time of day you are going to your polling place. Election Day is on a weekday so make sure you are aware of your state’s voting rights and your company’s voting leave policy. Most companies will designate a specific amount of time that day to allow workers to vote. If you are unsure, ask your supervisor.
  3. Expect a line. Trying to get everyone in one place to achieve a common goal is a lengthy process. Don’t budget 10 minutes for voting. Odds are, there will be a long line and a lengthy wait. If you want a minimal wait, it’s recommended to go during traditional work hours. The most crowded times of day are before work, during lunch breaks and the evening when people get off work.
  4. Encourage others to vote. After you vote, make sure you tell your friends, family and coworkers the importance of voting. It’s an important civic duty that we get the privilege to participate in.

Our STAY Counted campaign supports Extended Stay America's mission to care for people who are building a better future for themselves and their families. With this initiative, Extended Stay America is living up to its corporate values of putting people first, doing what’s right and creating opportunity for growth by further enabling its associates and guests to get involved in shaping the future by participating in the most important American right – voting.

Reminder: This initiative is not affiliated with any political party or candidate.

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