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10 Tips for Working Remote

As the workforce sees an increase in remote and hybrid work opportunities, it's important to know how to set yourself up for success. Use these tips to make the most of your new work environment, wherever it may be.

Take note as we share some of the best tips on working from home or working during an extended stay.

  1. Invest in headphones. Sometimes, outside noises can’t be avoided. When you work remote, you may have outside distractions in the background like kids, construction or traffic. Investing in headphones can make all the difference when it comes to presenting yourself in a professional manner when the outside circumstances may be a little less than professional.
  2. Learn the technology you have. It’s important to learn all the tips and tricks of working the technology you have. If you have calls on Teams or Zoom, learn how to mute, present, change your background and turn off your camera before your first call. These are simple hacks that can make life easier. For example, if your background is messy not very professional, use a blurry background feature or stock image instead.
  3. Keep your technology plugged in. Imagine you’re in a virtual meeting with your boss and your laptop dies. Avoid any unprofessional catastrophes by keeping your devices plugged in, especially before meetings.
  4. Limit distractions. The last thing people want to hear is kids crying, dogs barking, chewing or other unpleasant noises. Be sure to try your best to limit distractions by planning ahead, whether that means eating ahead of time, walking the dog or shutting the door.
  5. Dress to impress. The best part about working from home? Pajama pants. What you wear from the waist down is up to you, but make sure the part of you the camera can see looks presentable on video calls. Try to avoid loud patterns, inappropriate or overly casual tops. The safest thing to wear is a solid-colored dress shirt and a smile.
  6. Keep yourself motivated. Make this a space you feel productive and motivated. If you need to, hang quotes on your wall by your desk, change your laptop screen to an inspiring graphic or spruce up your workspace with cute stationary. Whatever you need to do to feel accomplished!
  7. Set boundaries. One of the hardest parts of working remotely is you can’t help but to “take the work home” with you. It’s important to make sure you set boundaries to keep your work-life balance healthy. Make personal boundaries like “I will not answer emails past 5 p.m.” or “I will take a 30-minute lunch break.” These things will break up your day and make you more present for the times you’re on and off the clock.
  8. Have a dedicated workspace. For the sake of efficiency, productivity and a stable work-life balance, have a dedicated area for working. While you may want to work from your bed or couch on occasion, it is probably not conducive to producing your best work. Have a designated area, whether it’s a counter, table or desk that is specifically for working. Pro tip: keep this area away from where heavy traffic is to avoid people interfering with your productivity, kids pulling on cords or drinks spilled on technology.
  9. Keep healthy snacks on hand. When working from home, it’s easy to find yourself with the boredom munchies. Make sure you keep some healthy snacks prepped and ready to eat before your work week begins. Some great options are grapes, carrots, nuts, hummus or berries. Also, don’t forget to have a large bottle of water by you so you remember to hydrate.
  10. Break up the time. It’s easy get overwhelmed, especially when working remotely. Taking breaks during the day can help manage stress, and it improves your physical and mental health. Take your dog outside, go on a quick walk or enjoy a short coffee break. Do something that takes your mind off of work for 10 minutes, so when you return to your tasks, your mind is refreshed and ready to take on the rest of the day.

Hopefully these tips for working from home help you make the most of your time and increase your productivity! Interested in learning more tips for working remote or a lifestyle on the go? Check our blog weekly for new articles!

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